What is a journalist?

4 min readJun 17, 2020


What is a journalist? What is journalism for? What does a journalist do?

IMMJ Student filming a story on a blind school in rural Hebei Province

20 years ago these questions were fairly clear cut? But in the digital era, none of these things are a given. Journalists are, for better or for worse, thinking and rethinking everything — from the most fundamental journalistic principles such as purpose and objectivity to aspects of the digital news ecosystem and business such as the mediums and platforms they utilize, audience, and distribution, all things that were previously considered very, very far outside their job description.

This collection of articles deals with the complexity of these seemingly simple questions. Take a look through and be prepared to share your opinions.

We are not here to tell you what your approach or mission as a future journalist should be, you’ll have to work that out on your own. You should, however, develop an understanding of what journalism is in the 21st Century, why you want to be a journalist, and what kind of work you want to do.

This is a long compilation of articles, you are not expected to read them all. It might be best to start by browsing through a few reading a few that interest you most first and then come back to the page now and again as you progress through the program.

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Written by IMMJMA BFSU / UoB

Readings & Information for students on the MA International Multimedia Journalism. Based in Beijing, China, with degree awarded by the University of Bolton, UK.

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